Quay Information
Berthing Length (m) Minimum Depth (m) Operations
Pier No. 1 West 128 7.0 to 4.5 Multipurpose
Pier No. 1 East 130 7.0 to 2.5 Multipurpose
Esplanade Quay 122 4.0 to 3.0 Multipurpose
North beach Quay 175 3.0 to 2.0 Fishing Vessels Generally
Pier No. 2 West 80 4.5 to 1.0 Multipurpose
Pier No. 2 East 70 4.5 to 1.0 Tanker Operations
Pier No. 3 West 140 6.0 Ferry Operations
- Pier No. 3 East 140 6.0 Multipurpose
Arnish Pier 100 6.0 Multipurpose, Heavy Lift

There are various anchorage options for vessels wishing to visit the harbour.
Outer Anchorage - There is no limit to the size of vessel, depth 17m
Inner Anchorage – maximum length 130m, draft up to 6.5m
Larger vessels using Dynamic Positioning may use the Inner anchorage, dependent unpon weather conditions and harbourmaster approval
Rig Anchorage area in the Arnish basin – Depth 14m

Our Location
Stornoway Port Authority is located at the far north west of Scotland, ideally located for journeys into the North West Atlantic and for the North west of the UK. The Port currently provides the largest alongside berth north of the Clyde and with its Deep Water terminal has plans to develop a berth to take significantly larger vessels.