Safety is the responsibility of everyone, and the Port Authority welcomes suggestions to improve such from our employees, customers, visitors, etc
There are specifics of operating a port that members of the general public may not be aware. The requirement to work under the International Ship and Port Facility Security regulations mean that the Port must be compliant with such regulations to ensure future business is able to come to our island. Protecting our stakeholders from all manner of potential threats is an ongoing aspect of our operations.
The future will obviously bring more change as the Port Authority strives for continuous improvement in all business areas. Such improvements will inevitably have consequences for items such as public access to piers, however the Port Authority will work with our local community to ensure this shared asset continues to be an integral and essential part of Hebridean life

With a world recognising the climate changes affecting our environment, Stornoway Port Authority needs to ensure it adapts and protects the local environment for the future of the Port. As a lifeline to the island the Port Authority requires to protect this environment making sure it is both a clean and safe environment for all stakeholders, marine and animal life
Protection of the environment (PMSC Article 3.8) Section 48 of the Harbours Act 1964 puts the environmental duty on ports as follows:
It shall be the duty of a harbour authority in formulating or considering any proposals relating to its functions under any enactment to have regard to—
(a)the conservation of the natural beauty of the countryside and of flora, fauna and geological or physiographical features of special interest;
(b)the desirability of preserving for the public any freedom of access to places of natural beauty; and
(c)the desirability of maintaining the availability to the public of any facility for visiting or inspecting any building, site or object of archaeological, architectural or historic interest;
and to take into account any effect which the proposals may have on the natural beauty of the countryside, flora, fauna or any such feature or facility.

Oil Pollution
In conjunction with its 3rd party contractor BRIGGS MARINE ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES the Port Authority has written an Oil Pollution Response Plan defining the actions to be taken, the key responsibilities and the communication network that shall be engaged in the case of an oil spill. The OPRC Plan is approved by the MCA, and subject to a five-yearly review. In developing the plan due consideration was taken, through consultation, of the potential effects of pollution on wildlife and habitat and the plan was developed through consultation with all relevant agencies. Training exercises should be carried out regularly to familiarise personnel with the procedures and equipment and to assess their effectiveness under duress. The outcome of these exercises should be reviewed and thoroughly evaluated to ensure that the plan continues to reflect current needs.
The Oil Pollution Plan requires the submission of annual returns to the MCA outlining exercises held and a summary of environmental incidents.