1. All vessels entering Stornoway Harbour port limits are required to report to Stornoway Harbour on VHF CH 12. The report should include the following information:
- Vessel’s Name
- Position
- Intended Destination
2. Vessel should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF 12 & 16 when navigating or anchored within port limits
3. Notice of ETA: Vessel should forward ETA with the following pre-arrival information( if >300GT) at least 24h in advance ( or as soon as practicable if inward voyage less than 24h duration)
- ISPS/Security( CERS workbook)
- Crew list (NMSW Fal 5 & 6 form)
- Waste declaration ( CERS workbook)
- Dangerous good manifest, if applicable ( CERS workbook)
- Maritime declaration of health