Slipway / Boat Hoist
Stornoway Port has operated the primary west coast slipway since 1950 and 2021 saw the introduction of a 100t boat hoist to increase the boat repair services provided in the port.
Stornoway Port has operated the primary west coast slipway since 1950 and 2021 saw the introduction of a 100t boat hoist to increase the boat repair services provided in the port.
Stornoway has the leading slipway facility for the West Coast and surrounding islands. The Main Slipway cradle accommodates vessels up to 50m. long and 10m. beam. Displacement weight 850 tonnes. Displacement weight one at 400 tonnes and one at 200 tonnes.
Applications for vessels slipping should be made in the first instance to Slipway Office (+44 (0)1851 703143) in order to assess availability. At this point you should have to hand basic information on the vessel to be slipped, and a brief outline of the works to be undertaken whilst on slipway.
Slipping and unslipping is generally only undertaken during normal daytime working hours 8:00 am – 16:30 pm. However, dependent on slipway availability, emergency slipping may be arranged outwith these hours by contacting +44(0)1851 702688.
Stornoway Port operates a 100t boat hoist. The hoist is able to accommodate a wide variety of vessels.
For boat lift queries please contact the Harbour Office on +44(0)1851 702688